"Keeping The Memories Alive"

Many of you, I'm sure, were greatly influenced by Mr. Noble. Below is Mr. Noble's obituary as published on the
Lanman Funeral Home website (Kiowa, Kansas).
Funeral service for Roger B. Noble will be Friday, August 2, 2019 at the Kiowa United Methodist Church at 10:30 a.m. Burial will follow at Riverview Cemetery.
Arrangements are by Lanman Funeral Home, Inc. of Kiowa. Viewing will be Thursday 10:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. with family present 6:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.
Roger was born June 26, 1937, in Cherokee, Oklahoma to Ferguson Noble and Roselee Root Noble. He passed from this life on July 29, 2019, at St. Francis Hospital
in Wichita at the age of 82 years and 33 days.
Meeting his future wife the first day of college at NWOSU, he and Patricia Quinlan were married three years later on August 2, 1959. Today would have marked
their 60th anniversary. Roger received his Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Music and successfully taught music for twenty-five years. Since the age of sixteen,
he served as church choir director in Cherokee, Coldwater, Hutchinson, and Kiowa. Music was his love, and teaching students to appreciate it and to strive for
perfection was his passion. He was respected throughout the state, was published in the American Choral Directors’ magazine, and was asked to be rehearsal
director of the ACDAs reading convention in Dallas. His vocal groups consistently received highest ratings in music contests.
Even though music was important to him, he also enjoyed carpentry, hunting, fishing, bowling, and, of course, GOLFING with his buddies. Helping Jake Newton with
harvest was always a special time, except on “pick up sticks” day on the farm.
Roger was preceded in death by his parents.
Roger is survived by his wife, Patricia (Pat); three sons: Scott of Silver City, New Mexico (Debra, Cade, Danielle, Karli); Steve of Topeka, Kansas (Gita, Eva,
Ellie, Emma); Stuart of Kirtland, New Mexico (Roberta, Jerrod, Claudia, Noelle, Ashton) and his sister, Sue Riggs; as well as many nieces, nephews, and friends.
Online condolences may be made at www.lanmanmemorials.com and facebook: Lanman Funeral Home Inc.
Memorial contributions may be made through the funeral home to the Kiowa United Methodist Church or the Monte Thompson Continuing Education Foundation.
Rest In Peace Mr. Noble.