"Keeping The Memories Alive"

Please take a moment to remember one of the finest teachers Hutchinson High School has ever known. On February 14, 2003, and with great fanfare I'm sure, Vern Comely was
ushered into the presence of the Lord. We will miss you dearly Mr. Comley!
If I may speak personally about Mr. Comely, I was deeply saddened to hear about his passing. Mr. Comely was my favorite teacher at HHS even though I never was one of his
students. He was, however, my diving coach on the Swim Team and was always an extreme pleasure to be around. He was very easy going and had a calm, quiet and light-hearted
demeanor...and he always had a silly or corny joke to tell. My kind of guy!
I will always be deeply appreciative of the fact that he arranged a potential athletic (diving) scholarship for me to Kearney State Teachers College in Nebraska. It wasn't
meant to be, but his efforts on my behalf--taking it upon himself to personally care about me and my future when he didn't have to--have profoundly affected me.
He is dearly missed, but I am heartened to know that he professed a fundamental faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, so missing him will only be temporary. He is in the presence of
the Lord now and that is a very good place to be. His family, and those of us who were fortunate enough to have known him, however briefly, are truly blessed to have had this
kind and gentle man in our lives.
Rest In Peace Mr. Comely